Monday, May 24, 2010

Fotos Deespinhas Nas Costas

Mary Originally uploaded by lety vega
my sister love her very much she is plain gladis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! is pretty """""""""""""

Goldstar Breadmaker Hb 011e


DSC00780 Originally uploaded by lety vega
my cool cousin

Anderson Techzilla 2007

DSC00780 DSC01429 DSC01429

DSC01429 Originally uploaded by lety vega
'm smiling !!!!!!!!!!! !

Blueprints To Pool Table

DSC01429 Originally uploaded by lety vega
'm smiling
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Qc Driving License Template

Well this is what I've been finished this week. Sometimes I start looking forward to one thing and then leave. But this week I decided to finish them because I have seen many blogs and I got curious of them I love them too. I like it because it has endless possibilities that they can be used. For example, my I left for cosmetic things, but another idea is like sewing laptop and do not occupy much space and are easy to transport from side to side. And the most tiny tiny things as for as lip sticks, coils, clips or rubber band for hair. Well here I leave the link if any more are encouraged them, r243730.html