Sunday, October 3, 2010

Showinf Off My Breasts

Quilt Japanese style

out of the oven Just quilt the Japanese style as I call it. Looking around I saw this blog quilt so easy perform yet so striking. I saw him here but changing and I decided instead of strips I used clear and black. I saw the magazine Patchwork Secret and I liked the combination makes an impact for me that reminds me of Japanese style. And finally I'm practicing making soaps. These are the first one I made is oats and the other is of carrots, now we have to wait at least a month to ripen. So until that happens this time I can not prove. In order to always say the same thing will not let go so long without posting but the truth is I spend the days very fast and when I realize that another week has flown. I'm with a little work of px I want to finish as soon as possible to begin with Christmas gifts. Good start of week and good month for all to be a more productive month than


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