Monday, May 16, 2011

What Do Guy Prefer, Hollywood Or Brazilian

In this post I ask a favor.

In this post I ask a favor .
I love to comment on your blogs, but in most I find them word verification.
That is my request: Brand • NO the "Show word verification for comments?
It's annoying, you lose a lot of time having to type the word shown.
Also, sometimes I am wrong on one point and comes back a new word that can be long and inconsistent.
I'm really angry!
♥ ♥ ♥

Your blog has the word verification?
For you who have doubts to remove the word verification, you have to do is go to:
- COMMENTS (tab).
- SETTINGS (tab).
- COMMENTS (Iten).
- Down ....
"Show word verification for comments?
Check the option NOT
- Below "click" on ... SAVE SETTING (square of orange).
'yast', you take off that thing so annoying and leave you far more comments.
Many thanks.
Have a nice week.


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